

Vardenafil tablets are also sold under the brand name Levitra, which is a PDE5 inhibitor like Viagra and Cialis. People can buy vardenafil online and now have a selection of hard tablets and faster acting oral jelly sachets to choose from as outlined below - simply click on a product to view

What Is Vardenafil?

This medication is often recommended as a first-line treatment for men with erection difficulties, including those with underlying health conditions. It has a rapid onset of effect which generally leads to reliable efficacy and success after the first dose. In clinical studies, this medication has demonstrated effectiveness among men with ED associated with conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

What Is Vardenafil Used For?

Vardenafil tablets are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), which is a distressing condition that affects approximately 150 million men worldwide. This condition tends to have a negative impact on psychological health as well as the quality of life for both men and their partners. Patients with this condition can, however, quickly and easily order vardenafil online to effectively counteract the symptoms of ED.

In clinical studies, this medication has been shown to have a similar effect as Viagra. It decreases the activity of a natural chemical in the body called phosphodiesterase type 5, or PDE5. This chemical causes erections to subside and Levitra inhibits PDE5, making it easier to get and maintain a firm erection. As a result, this medication allows a patient with ED to have satisfactory sexual intercourse.

ED is common among men with diabetes. In fact, diabetic men are two to three times more likely to have erection difficulties than those without this condition. They are also likely to develop ED 10 to 15 years earlier. The reason for this is that high blood sugar levels can cause damage to blood vessels and this tends to disrupt blood flow to the penis. A healthy supply of blood to this region is essential for normal erectile function.

In a controlled trial that was published in 2006, the safety and efficacy of vardenafil was assessed among men with type 1 diabetes and ED. In total, 149 patients randomly received inert placebo pills, while the remaining 153 participants in the study were given doses of 5mg to vardenafil 20 mg. The main outcome measures were the ability to achieve and maintain an erection suitable for successful intercourse.

To determine these results, the men responded to questions at the end of week 4, 8 and 12 of the study. In comparison to the start of treatment and the placebo group, the results showed that vardenafil tablets significantly improved success rates for sexual intercourse. In addition, this medication had a substantially positive effect on the International Index of Erectile Function scores among men who received this treatment.
In terms of safety, the study found this medication was well tolerated and only 3.1% of patients experienced headaches while 2.5% experienced flushing. These short-lived side effects were generally mild or moderate in nature. Other clinical trials have established that this ED treatment is also highly effective among patients with type 2 diabetes.

A large international study that was published in 2010 was conducted to assess the real-life safety and efficacy of this medication in the treatment of ED. Altogether, 73,946 patients were involved in the study and many participants had diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Information was obtained from interviews with healthcare providers and patient diary records. The following results were determined at the end of the study:

  • More than 90% of patients reported being either satisfied, or very satisfied, with the effectiveness of vardenafil tablets.
  • These satisfied patients stated that they intended to continue using this medication after the study period had ended.
  • The study found that the occurrence of side effects was very low and 97% of patients were either satisfied, or very satisfied, with the tolerability of the medication.

How Do You Take Vardenafil?

This medication should be taken about 25 to 60 minutes before planned sexual activity. You can take this medication with food, however, taking it with a large or high-fat meal generally slows down the absorption rate. The following are recommended usage and dosage guidelines:

Usual starting dose The starting dose is typically 10 mg (half a tablet), however, the majority of men achieve optimal results with vardenafil 20mg.
Usage advice This medication will only work if there is some form of sexual stimulation, so it does not cause a constant or unwanted erection.
Maximum daily dose Do not take more than 20 mg in 24 hours as this may increase the likelihood of adverse effects.
What to avoid?
  • Do not take this medication with nitrates or amyl nitrites as this can affect blood pressure.
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice may interact with this medication and cause unwanted side effects so it should be avoided.
  • The use of alcohol should be limited or avoided as it can prevent this medication from being effective.

Available Vardenafil Dosage

If you order vardenafil online, you can usually expect to find 20 mg tablets. If you need 10 mg, you can simply split the sex pills into two pieces and take half. Furthermore, you can divide a 20 mg tablet into four pieces to get 5 mg, which is generally the lowest dose. The following are usual directions for dosage:

  • 5 mg dose - this lower dose is often more suitable for elderly patients as well as those with underlying health conditions.
  • 10 mg dose - this standard dose has a good chance of working, with a moderate chance of mild side effects.
  • 20 mg dose - this dose is effective for most men and typically recommended for patients who find the 10 mg dosage does work well enough.

The dose of this medication can have a slightly different effect on one person to the next. This will depend on several factors like age, health conditions and potential interactions with other medications. It is generally advisable to start on a low dose and increase it until you find the dose that provides the most benefits with the least side effects.

Possible Vardenafil Side Effects

Like most medications, vardenafil has the potential to cause side effects which are generally mild or moderate, affecting only a small percentage of people. Most adverse reactions are temporary and tend to be similar to those associated with other popular ED treatments. The following list contains common side effects of this medication:

  • Headaches
  • Facial flushing
  • Nasal congestion

In placebo-controlled studies, only 3.4% of men discontinued treatment because of adverse reactions. This was compared to 1.1% for placebo (an inactive substance). You can conveniently buy vardenafil from online pharmacies and related reviews suggest that the treatment is safe and very well tolerated by most patients.

How Long Does Vardenafil Last?

The duration of action varies slightly from one patient to another, depending on a number of factors like age, general health and dosage. On average, this medication stays effective in the body for 4 to 5 hours. For this reason, it is important to take a tablet at the right time. Some men report positive effects after 5 hours but the strongest effects are typically felt within a 1 to 5 hour time frame after administration.

Is Vardenafil the Same as Levitra?

Vardenafil is the active compound in Levitra, so these medications are medically identical. On 31 October 2018, the pharmaceutical patent for Levitra ran out. This set the stage for other reputable manufacturers to develop generic versions of this effective medication. Often, generic medications are simply sold under the name of the active ingredient, or they may be given new brand names.

The expiry date of the patent for Levitra was highly anticipated as it meant the price of this medication would decrease substantially. The average cost of a generic medication is up to 85% cheaper than its brand-name counterpart.

Nevertheless, the lower price does not mean generic Levitra is inferior. Strict regulations ensure that the generic version is bioequivalent to the branded version and manufactured in the same high-quality facilities. The generic product is less expensive than the branded version due to the following reasons:

  • The same chemical formula is used by generic manufacturers, saving substantial costs on research and development.
  • Generic companies are not required to conduct expensive clinical trials to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the medication.
  • Generic manufacturers of vardenafil usually do not invest money in expensive marketing, advertising and promotions.

Buy Vardenafil Today

You can buy vardenafil on our website. The process is seamless and secure. We source FDA-approved medications directly from world-class manufacturers. Established relationships with suppliers allow us to offer the lowest prices possible.

Furthermore, we do not have additional intermediary expenses or overheads associated with physically-located pharmacies e.g. rent. For this reason, we can keep prices affordable for our valued customers. If you would like to place an order, simply follow this process to buy vardenafil:

  • Find the produce on our website and select the quantity
  • Add the medication to your online cart by clicking the 'buy now' button
  • Checkout as a new or existing customer
  • Fill in the online digital form to complete your purchase

The medication is packaged and dispatched soon after you have completed your order. Discretion is ensured when it comes to delivery and medications are sent in unmarked packaging. Buy vardenafil at affordable prices today and effectively treat the symptoms of ED.

Besides vardenafil based medications, customers can also select from our range of other alternatives to Viagra, such as generic Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil) to deal with erection problems discreetly and effectively along with Priligy (dapoxetine ) based products to treat premature ejaculation (PE) and help men last longer in bed.

Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025


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Customer Reviews

Peter T – Jul 25, 2022
I would like to thank the customer service team for helping me find the right medication for my ED - I like how the dosage is much lower and there are less side effects

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