

Cialis is a treatment for men with erectile dysfunction (ED). This condition happens when a man cannot get, or maintain, a hard erection that is suitable for satisfactory sex. This medication has been shown to significantly improve erectile function, making erections firm enough for normal sexual intercourse.

This treatment for ED is often referred to as The Weekend Pill due to its long duration of effect. It stays active in the body for up to 36 hours. Therefore, a dose can be taken on Friday afternoon and the medication will still be effective on Sunday morning. Its long duration of effect and option to take a low dose has caused this medication to become increasingly preferred.

In a clinical trial that was published in 2004, the efficacy and treatment satisfaction of this medication was assessed in men with ED. In total, 443 men were involved in the study and they were separated into three groups according to the severity of their ED:

  • 47% had mild ED
  • 30% had moderate ED
  • 23% had severe ED

They were randomly allocated to receive either inactive placebo tablets or a 20mg Cialis tablet to take on demand. The study lasted 12 weeks and various assessment tools and questionnaires were used to determine results. The Weekend Pill was found to be substantially superior to placebo on all main measures of efficacy.

More specifically, 64% of the patients treated with this medication achieved a normal erectile function domain score by the end of the study. Only 16% of placebo-treated patients achieved normal erectile function scores.

A questionnaire called the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS) was used in the study. This questionnaire revealed that 87% of patients treated with The Weekend Pill were satisfied with treatment. Headache (7.2%) and flushing (4.6%) were found to be the most common side effects and only one patient withdrew from the research due to back pain.

You can order Cialis online and benefit from a medication that has the ability to effectively restore erectile function in most men. This medication increases nitric oxide, an essential chemical in the body that facilitates normal erectile function. Nitric oxide causes cGMP levels to increase and as a result, blood vessels expand, allowing enough blood to enter the penis and form a strong erection.

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Who Makes Cialis?

This medication was initially developed by Eli Lilly and Company which is an American pharmaceutical company. The licensed generic version, however, became available on 14 November 2017. On this date, the exclusive pharmaceutical patent held by Eli Lilly and Company came to an end.

Once the patent expired, other reputable companies were permitted to produce generic Cialis. The generic version of this popular ED treatment is known by the active ingredient, tadalafil. It is produced by a number of pharmaceutical companies including Teva Pharmaceuticals and Dr. Reddys Laboratories. This generic medication is medically identical to the branded version, except it has a much lower price.

The average cost of this generic product is 80 to 85% less than its branded counterpart. So you can expect to pay a fraction of the price for generic Cialis compared to the branded product. The lower price, however, does not mean inferior quality.

There are stringent requirements that generic manufacturers need to adhere to before they are permitted to release their products to the market. Before a generic becomes available, the manufacturer that produced it must prove it contains the exact same active ingredient as the brand-name medication.

Furthermore, they must be able to show that it works the same way in the body and has the same time to onset of effects. Besides the price, there are two primary differences between the brand-name medication and generic Cialis. Firstly, the original producer retains sole ownership of the brand name so generic manufacturers cannot give their products the same name.

Secondly, generic Cialis might look slightly different in terms of shape and colour. The reason for this is that trademark laws prevent all generic medications from looking exactly the same as the branded versions.

Generic medications are required to be produced in high-quality facilities and they must have the same pharmacological properties as the branded counterpart. This includes route of administration, safety, strength, performance and intended use. Generic Cialis is less expensive than the brand-name product due to the following reasons:

  • Generic manufacturers use the same chemical formula as the branded version so they are not required to repeat costly clinical trials.
  • Generic producers spend less on marketing, advertising and promotion.
  • Due to the popularity of this ED treatment, a number of generic companies have applied to produce it and competition in the market keeps the price low.

Is Cialis Safe?

When taken as advised, this medication is generally safe to use. The majority of men do not experience adverse effects, while some may have mild Cialis side effects that are typically short-lived. Tadalafil tablets were administered to more than 9,000 men in clinical trials that were conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of this medication.

In eight 12-week clinical studies, the discontinuation rate due to side effects in patients treated with Cialis 20mg or 10mg tablets was 3.1%. This was compared to 1.4% of patients who received placebo which is a substance that has no therapeutic effect like sugar or starch. The negligible difference between the discontinuation rate of this ED treatment and placebo indicates the excellent safety profile of Cialis 20mg and lower doses.

The following side effects were reported in placebo-controlled studies when this medication was taken as recommended:

Side effect 5mg dose 10mg dose 20mg dose
Headache 11% 11% 15%
Indigestion 4% 8% 10%
Back pain 3% 5% 6%
Muscle pain 1% 4% 3%
Nasal congestion 2% 3% 3%

A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of this medication in patients with ED. This 2-year study involved men with ED and an average age of 57. They started treatment with 10mg which could be increased to 20mg if there was a lack of efficacy. Conversely, they could reduce the dose to 5mg if they experienced persistent side effects.

A total of 493 men completed 24 months of treatment, while a further 234 completed 18 months. This medication was found to be safe and well tolerated over long-term use. In this 18 to 24 month study, the discontinuation rate was slightly higher at 6.3%, probably due to the long-term nature of the study. The most common side effects were headache, indigestion, nasal congestion and back pain.

There are various steps that can be taken to avoid, or at least cope, with common side effects. This treatment for ED works best when taken with food. However, the likelihood of a headache can be reduced by taking this medication with a small meal.

Indigestion can be prevented by drinking plenty of water or you can treat this side effect with an over-the-counter antacid. Traditional pain relievers can be used to relieve discomfort associated with muscle aches and back pain.

Are There Any Cialis Alternatives?

Viagra (sildenafil) or Levitra (vardenafil) can be used as alternatives to treat ED. The main difference with these medications is the duration of effect. Both Viagra and Levitra have a durational efficacy of about 4 to 5 hours. Levitra, however, is more potent than Viagra. For this reason, a lower dose is needed to enhance erectile function, potentially leading to a lower chance of side effects.

Viagra remains a sought-after alternative of Cialis for treating ED, as it is a highly effective medication. In clinical studies, it has been shown to have an 82% efficacy rate. Tadalafil, however, has become increasingly popular, particularly for men who are looking for spontaneity in sexual circumstances. The long-acting effects of this medication reduce the need to worry about timing when to take it.

As the patent has reached its expiry date, the more affordable generic version is now available so an increasing number of men are able to afford it. The generic version is an ideal alternative to the branded version as it offers the same effective results, at a fraction of the price.

Buy Cialis Alternative Here

You can order Cialis online as well as the generic version simply by visiting our website. You can expect considerable cost savings and high-quality medications supplied by leading manufacturers. Avoid the hassles of buying medication at a walk-in pharmacy. Our online consultants are available 24-7 to take your order, so simply follow this process:

  • Find the produce you would like to buy and select the quantity.
  • Add the medication to your online shopping cart by clicking the buy now button.
  • Fill in the digital form and check out as a new or existing customer.

We use frequently updated web safety tools to make sure all transactions are safe and secure. After order placement, you will receive the medication within a matter of a few working days. We are committed to providing a safe and reliable platform for our valued customers to purchase essential medication and our customer service team are on hand 24/7 to help with any inquiries. Buy generic Cialis today and enjoy unrivalled convenience and significant cost savings.

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Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025