

Marketed as the brand, Priligy, dapoxetine is a medication which was created, by Eli Lilly, and was originally for use as an anti-depressant. The original intent for the therapeutic was not fulfilled and after which the medicine was sold to the company, Johnson and Johnson. It was then submitted, to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for approval as a Premature Ejaculation treatment.

People in the UK and Europe can buy dapoxetine online and now have a great selection of hard tablets and fast acting oral jelly versions to choose from as outlined in the table below – simply click on a product to view usage guidelines along with prices!

People in the UK and Europe can buy dapoxetine online and now have a great selection of hard tabxlets and fast acting oral jelly versions to choose from as outlined in the table below – simply click on a product to view usage guidelines along with prices!

What is Dapoxetine?

Dapoxetine is now the only pharmacological agent which is approved (in 60 countries) for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE).

PE is simply a type of sexual dysfunction that can have a negative impact on a man's quality of life. Statistically, about one in three men experience PE at some point in their lives. This normally occurs between the ages of 18 to 59 years, but commonly affects men aged 18 to 30 years. The disorder may also occur jointly with secondary impotence in those aged 45 to 65 years.

Dapoxetine tablets were approved in many countries for the treatment of premature ejaculation, with few exceptions. However, if you are in a location that does not sell this medication directly, you can easily buy dapoxetine from a reputable online pharmacy.

What is Dapoxetine?

What is Dapoxetine Used For?

The treatment's applications are as follows:

  • These sex pills are used by men who ejaculate too quickly during sex.
  • There are currently no other drugs approved for the specific treatment of premature ejaculation. Other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can be used off-label to overcome this sexual dysfunction, but these medications require daily use for any notable efficacy to be observed. Furthermore, these SSRIs have a high risk of drug accumulation as well as a high potential for adverse effects.
  • The efficacy of this medication has been scientifically proven by randomised, placebo-controlled trials and different dosages were reported to have different effects on men with this sexual disorder. Dapoxetine 60mg was shown to significantly improve the average intravaginal ejaculation latency time or IELT (duration of intercourse before ejaculation); this is in comparison to the lower dose (30mg), which did not show such noteworthy efficacy. However, the difference in dosages was observed only in men with lifelong PE and not men with acquired PE.
  • When administered one to three hours prior to sexual intercourse, this therapeutic prolongs sex and enhances the sexual satisfaction of men with PE as well as their sense of ejaculation control.

How Does Dapoxetine Work?

  • Dapoxetine is a member of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) family, yet the precise mechanism of action of this medication is still subject of research. It is accepted that the therapeutic inhibits the action of proteins that transport serotonin. This subsequently allows for an increase in serotonin, a key hormone promoting feelings of happiness and wellbeing, and as a consequence results in ejaculatory delay.  
  • Dapoxetine reviews, on forums such as reddit, have indicated that the medicine is very fast-acting and significantly increases the time it takes for a man to ejaculate during sexual intercourse. The rapid onset of action makes the tablets appropriate for use as a treatment for PE. It is for this reason that the tablets should be taken when sexual activity is anticipated and not on a daily basis.
  • For proper and effective functioning of this SSRI, it is important to avoid any medications with similar mechanisms of action as well as substances that may interfere with the action of dapoxetine 60 mg, such as grapefruit. Grapefruit increases the amount of the active ingredient in the bloodstream, which can increase the risk of side effects. This has been noted by the FDA
How does Dapoxetine Work?

How Quickly Does Dapoxetine Work?

Peak plasma levels are reached after about an hour of taking a 30 mg or 60 mg dose of dapoxetine. This is the time during which the medication has reached the highest level it can, in the body. When initiating pharmaceutical treatment, peak plasma concentrations may be useful in tailoring a dosage that is individualised to a patient.

The health advantages associated with a healthy sex life from use of a fast-acting treatment are surprisingly beneficial. The connectedness between sexual partners can enhance heart health and build a stronger immune system as well as improve overall health. Several studies have also suggested a link between intercourse and better sleep.

Recommended Dapoxetine Dosage

The recommended dosage of this medication is one tablet, one to three hours before sexual activity. You should initially begin with a 30 mg dosage, but this can be increased to 60 mg, if there are no negative effects noticed and the treatment is well-tolerated. The dosage may also be increased in the event of insufficient efficacy of the therapeutic.

The proper or accurate dosage needs to be followed through with the correct usage guidelines, as follows:

  • The tablet should be administered with a drink of water and can be taken with or without food. It is advised that you swallow the tablet whole, as the medication can be bitter-tasting.
  • The therapeutic should not be taken if you are prone to fainting. Drinking sufficient water when taking the medicine can also reduce feelings of dizziness according to experts.
  • You should not take more than one tablet a day, as this therapeutic has long-lasting action.
  • This medication is not recommended for long-term use, but for the recommended treatment course.
Dapoxetine Dosage Guide

How Long Does Dapoxetine Last?

The effects of this therapeutic normally lasts for one to three hours, but some users have reported this medication to retain its benefits for up to 12 hours according to dapoxetine reviews. After administration, some men note a doubling or tripling of their erection time before ejaculation.

In a three month research study, two different dosages (30mg and 60mg) of this medication were evaluated. It was found that the average time, to ejaculation after penetration, was 2.78 minutes for the patients given the lower dose. Those given the 60mg dosage showed improvements in the time to ejaculation (5.32 minutes). Both groups were administered the tablets one to three hours prior to sexual intercourse.

The placebo group trial patients were reported to have a mean time to ejaculation of 1.75 minutes. At the beginning of the study, all of the men in the trial were experiencing PE and were ejaculating within a minute of penetration.

It is possible to obtain the very same treatment and have it delivered to you. Dapoxetine in the UK can be attained more conveniently using online pharmacy channels.

How To Avoid Dapoxetine Side Effects

Medications can assist in curing or preventing diseases and disorders, easing the symptoms of ailments and even helping in diagnosis – but unwanted side effects may come along with their use too. These are usually mild and affect only a few users.

Some of the dapoxetine side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability

There are some useful steps you can take to lower your risk of dapoxetine side effects:

  • Simplify your medication regimen: The more medications you take, the greater the chances are that you will experience one or more side effects. When using dapoxetine tablets, you should aim to use as fewer other medicines as possible.
  • Use as directed: This is the most effective way to avoid side effects. You should not use more than the recommended dosage. It is also important to follow the treatment schedule exactly as you are advised. An example would be taking the tablet at the specified times. Other indications can be found within the medication guide that is included in the packaging when you buy dapoxetine.
Dapoxetine Side Effects

Buy Dapoxetine Today

Buying online is a convenient and easy process, yet some are afraid to use this method of shopping due to several concerns. These are either unfounded concerns due to misinformation, or issues that can be safely avoided:

  • Not knowing how to navigate the website to make a purchase
  • Not wanting to make an incorrect purchase
  • Not having adequate information about the product being bought

Here are some reasons why patients choose our platform:

  • When you buy dapoxetine online, our pharmacy has measures in place to ensure that your information is safeguarded and will be protected.
  • You can find information about the product on our online platform. We provide details on the dapoxetine price, its use, composition, benefits and so on.
  • Our digital platform is also simple to use. You can navigate easily through the required steps to make a purchase. If you find any difficulty in navigating our website, you can speak to one of our friendly customer service agents who will gladly assist you.
  • When looking for the product you require, you can make use of our easy search function by simply typing in the name of the product in the designated space. Your medication will be found for you, within our inventory, in a matter of seconds. We will also gladly refund your purchase provided that it meets the requirements of the returns policy.

With these, and many other advantages, there is no reason why you should not make use of our secure e-commerce platform to buy PE medication. Responsive customer support personnel are available 24/7 to guide customers and assist with questions or order placement. Delivery is also fast and discreet, to guarantee customer privacy.

Besides dapoxetine based medications to treat premature ejaculation, customers can also select from our range of erectile dysfunction medications, such as generic Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil) to deal with erection problems discreetly and effectively and in a cost-effective manner.

Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025


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Customer Reviews

Colin – Jul 25, 2022
These products really do work wonders. I have no problem getting an erection but more often than not I could do with lasting longer in bed and these really help. Very satisfied!

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